(I Know there is an awkward black screen at the end. I could not figure out how to get rid of it sorry..)
The scope of this project was to create a story using After Effects with multiple scenes and camera changes. First I started with storyboarding the project and deciding that I wanted to make a Captain America story. Then I drew out my character and scanned in the images. The hardest part came when I started to edit my drawings in Photoshop by changing the lines and adding color. I also added my background in the background at the same time. That took the longest because I am not a very good artist and I had a lot of editing to do to make my drawings better for the assignment. The final step was to make the images scenes in After Effects and make all the scenes into one clip. I learned a lot about time management from this project and about my drawing and how to edit the drawing on photoshop. I would pick an easier topic to draw and spend more time on the After Effects part to make it better quality. I would still do the same kind of shots just maybe get to work on them more. I will use my lessons about time management on my next project and in all future projects.