Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Plausible Impossible

Donald and Gus are both wanting the last pea and so on goes the battle for the pea on the table. This is plausible because someone could have a battle for that, but it is impossible for them to so this battle they way they are doing it. They are both using their air to try and get the pea and this is impossible in itself.  This is impossible also because later in the scene, they bring the pea in the air and gravity would have already overcome it before they could get it in the air. 

Another Plausible Impossible is when Gus is pulling the peas across the table with a straw. This is plausible beacuse in theory you could accomplish this using your air. It is impossible though because you could not accomplish this across the entire table. This is also impossible because there is no way a goose bill could work a straw like that.
 This plausible impossible is about the special watch Gus carries around. It is plausible because you can have a watch theta tells you when you need to eat and what time your meals would be at. It is impossible though to have a watch that changes the meals and points rapidly at the time as shown later in the cartoon. It is also impossible because they do not make these kind of watches.

 This example of plausible impossible is when Donald gets the mailbox stuck on his head. It is plausible because in theory if your mailbox is big enough then goes your head could be shoved into it. It is impossible though because a head does not change sizes to fit inside the mailbox. Also you would get severe head injures  from being shoved into a mailbox.

This final example of plausible impossible is when Gus starts shuffling the bread a meat like playing cards. This is plausible because this in theory would work just fine and would fit nicely together, like most things in the animated world do. This is impossible though because in the real world if you tried this you would literally throw food all over your house, not into a nicely stacked pile. Also the food would not be perfect shapes so they would all move in a different pattern.